Successful Organization Design

As technology and automation continue to have an increasingly significant impact on the world, organizations are being forced to rethink their strategies and redesign their structures. The world of business is growing more and more competitive; as a result,...

Millennials: a breath of fresh air!

I’ve heard a lot of people in my classes recently commenting about the work habits of millennials: How they expect to advance early and often – mobility How they expect a flexible workday – arriving late or leaving early to accommodate their personal schedules....

When your co-worker isn’t human

In the popular television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, one member of the crew – Data – was an android designed to interact as humanly as possible with its colleagues. It made for great TV – but now, it’s also becoming a reality. Researchers have developed...

Virtual workers: the race to the bottom

Let’s say your organization needs a writer to create website content and marketing materials. You could hire a writer to join your team on a full or part-time basis. You could pay an advertising firm to take on the project. Or you could go online and find a ‘virtual...

Do you know what your employees want?

Seven characteristics of the new employee Your workforce is changing. By 2020, it’s estimated that over half of your employees will be millennials, a technologically-savvy cohort with very different expectations for their careers. Do you know how to attract, nurture...